Friday, May 30, 2008

Meeting Other Smart People and some not so smart...

There has been a wonderful response to the announcement of my upcoming children's books. A fellow blogger named mozey, who was previously unknown to me has even gone as far as taking it upon himself to create some beautiful animations in preparation for the upcoming books. Thanks mozey! I will be sure to send you an autographed copy of my books upon completion.

Apparently, a lot of my new readers came from a site called "ribbet" after my buddy Mike posts a link there. One user went as far as to attack my blog for having links to both wikipedia and free porn. Well, all I have to say about that is if you don't like wikipedia it's obviously because you're not smart enough to read it correctly, but at least your distain for porn also indicates a lack of libido, so we don't have to worry about you reproducing anytime soon.

As for Meridian I also appreciate your comment and your blog is nice as well. But, if you would like to make something bold in the comments you can use html tag for bold instead of using slashes like you did with /b/.

Thanks again everyone! Stay tuned for more updates on my books!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) word, best of luck on your book.

I will keep making evil monkey animations here and there.